Jul 04 2016
Case Study: Extreamer® Completes Latin American Reaming Operation after 144 Circulating Hours

In one trip, reamer enlarges 1,886m section from 9 5/8” to 10”
Ream tight spots over 683m in 12 ¼” hole, below the prematurely set casing shoe, before underreaming 1,183m of pre-drilled 9 5/8” hole to 10”, to section TD.
A customer in Latin America needed to underream a long predrilled 9 5/8” hole, but also had 688m of 12 ¼” rat hole that had partially collapsed below the prematurely set intermediate casing. The application would require the reamer to be robust, to maintain reliability through the unstabilised 12 ¼” section and allow it to attack the 200m sequence of large chert nodules 500m into the 9 5/8” hole. Obviously, the reamer needed to reliably deactivate once the operation was complete.
Run the Paradigm Extreamer® with Premium PDC cutters.
Using the Paradigm Extreamer®, the 683m of 12 ¼” rat hole was reamed without incident; other than noting regular torque spikes. The 1,183m of 9 5/8” hole was reamed out to 10” over 99 hours of drilling and 144 circulating hours.
Post-operational analysis of the run indicated the reamer performed perfectly, meeting all the operational objectives of the application and the customer successfully ran the liner. Upon inspection, the Paradigm Extreamer® with Premium PDC cutters was found to be fully functional, and the cutters dull graded just 1/32” undergauge.