

Fights all vibration and transforms negative energy into positive forces


An increased number of deviated and horizontal wells are drilled each year with a corresponding increase in demand to extend the reach of these wells.

The Driver® meets the challenges that these demands place on the drilling process by:

  • Providing active downhole traction and torque reduction
  • Reducing lateral and axial vibration in the lower drilling assembly
  • Maintain controlled weight on bit
  • Reducing compressive buckling in the lower drill string
  • Generating downhole tension
  • Reducing the risk of Stick-Slip through constant motion


The Driver® has been designed as a short collar system that can be easily placed within conventional and rotary steerable drilling assemblies.

The Driver® converts 40-60% of the side forces it is subject to into linear traction (forward movement). The six free rotating sleeves also reduce rotational friction, but work as three matched pairs lifting each other off the lowside for enhanced hole cleaning.

In rotation, the speed of this traction is designed to exceed the maximum anticipated ROP (Rate of Penetration), while being optimized to allow the traction sleeves to maintain constant, controlled WOB (Weight on Bit).

By providing free rotating bearing sleeves in the lower drilling assembly the Driver® substantially reduces the Axial, lateral and torsional drilling induced vibration.

As a short collar system, the Driver® is compatible with most drilling assemblies, allows common stand heights for racking back on the drill floor and is designed as a plug and play drilling enhancement tool.

The Driver® is essentially a short pony drill collar, machined to house the external free rotating sleeves. With a standard ID the tool does not add any additional pressure drop to the BHA.


  • Next Generation of weight transmission technology
  • Skewed rollers help pull upper BHA (Bottom Hole Assembly) into tension
  • Converts 40-60% of side force into Traction (forward movement)
  • Combines downhole traction with torque reduction
  • Proprietary mud lubricated elastomeric bearings
  • Standard Pony collar lengths and dimensions
  • Full-bore inner diameter (ID)
  • One piece low profile sleeves


  • Overcomes weight transfer issues, extends lateral reach
  • Downhole traction (tension) reduces string buckling
  • Provides constant WOB and can reduce Stick-Slip
  • Rotational friction is reduced significantly
  • Robust design, no specialist handling required, Plug & Play
  • Minimum ECD (Equivalent Circulating Density) impact

We are looking for candidate wells to be drilled with long horizontals to test our Driver®

Contact us at [email protected]

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