Q: What does SEL technology do?
A: SEL technology can transfer data and command signals between surface and downhole tools over a mechanical slickline.
Q: What do I need to use the SEL technology?
A: The 4 main SEL components: 1.) Surface Antenna, 2.) the SEL wire, 3.) the SEL Downhole Tool Suite, 4.) ParaOffice
Q: Where is the Surface Antenna located?
A: The Surface Antenna is placed at the top of the lubricator.
Q: What does the Surface Antenna do?
A: The Surface Antenna combines two functions; 1.) it wirelessly channels data transfer to the SEL wire between the SEL downhole and surface components, 2.) it provides Stuffing Box gland sealing against well pressure.
Q: Where is the SEL Tool Suite located in the tool string?
A: The SEL Tool Suite is always placed at the top of the toolstring.
Q: What does the SEL Downhole Tool Suite consist of?
A: The SEL Tool Suite consists of three components; 1.) Cable Head, 2,) Communications Head, 3.) Power Processing Unit.
Q: What is the basic function of each of the SEL Tool Suite components?
A: The Cable Head attaches the SEL wire to the Toolstring, The Communication Head is the downhole transceiver. The Power Processing Unit regulates the battery power, provides basic well condition sensing and contains a digital memory.
Q: What is the function of the Cross-Over Sub?
A: . The Cross-Over Sub connects the SEL Tool Suite to 3rd party tool string components below the SEL Tool Suite. The Cross-Over is function and/or 3rd party specific e.g. there is a SEL/Sondex Cross-Over, a SEL/Halliburton-DPU Cross-Over, a SEL/Trigger Cross-Over and SEL/Mechanical tool Cross-Over.
Q: Can I transfer electric power over the SEL wire to downhole tools with SEL technology?
A: No, SEL technology can only be used for the transmission of electronic data and signals.
Q: How is the SEL Tool Suite powered so that it can measure and perform data transmissions?
A: SEL downhole tools are all battery powered.
Q: Does SEL technology work in coated tubing?
A: Yes, the SEL technology has ample and successful track record in coated tubing completions.
Q: Does SEL technology work in RLWI operations?
A: Yes, the SEL technology has ample and robust successful track record in open water riserless operations.
Q: Where can the SEL surface antenna be placed on the RLWI rig-up on the vessel?
A: The SEL surface antenna (no pressure control function) is normally hung from the compensator above the moon pool.
Q: How is the electrical connection (grounding) to the subsea stack (BOP, Lubricator, Pressure Control Head) best arranged?
A: Normally grounding to the well is obtained through the (metal) compensation lines.
Q: What components make up the Slick-E-Line® System?
A: Click on the interactive image below for an overview of the Slick-E-Line® System Components.

Q: How does Slick-E-Line® Application compare to Slickline, E-Slickline (Tubed) and E-Line?
A: The image below describes the application of Slick-E-Line® in a functional comparison to Slickline, E-Slickline (Tubed) and E-Line.

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